it was time for every one to go back home for our christmas break. Now here, we are all workers from adiffferent localities but all joined up in another strange place that is not our home places,well being afunny thing! we are still happy and enjoying our jobs. More funny about it three white guys(friends)Wes,Roland and Ferdy also had to go back to there home places and which was jorem's home,really anice home.I believe they must have enjoyed there first christmas in Africa at there new home.
Well, back to the point i left the work place abit early than them,good enough they dropped me to the bus park,i left them going to ''hurt'' for chimpanzes,to be honest i dont know what really happened there during there hurting period!?find out more from the real following this links..,
after aweek this three friends pass by at my home place as they were going for there christmas break to there new home, i had promised to give them some gnuts(peanuts).Roland was abit mad on me because i did'nt prepare it for them,what really surprised both of them is how they were going to eat them when they are not baked. Forgeting they were going to there new home! they gave me acall before reaching to where to they would find me just because they were to avoid 'african time excuse' but as i speak by now they must have gotten used to that excuse.
1 comment:
I was not mad, only dissapointed...
I did not eay the and we don't have gnuts in Holland, so I really should come back :-)
It was nice reading.
Greetings from a very cold Holland
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